Vehicle For Dissertation

Books I read, music I hear...My imperious opinion on both.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Finished: Dude, Where's My Country? by M. Moore

Well I've finished it. It was interesting, aggravating, accusing, probing and profane. No doubt I'd have found some or most of it funny had I the "correct" viewpoint.

My basic opinion of the whole work is that M.M. is bringing up issues about "the Right" and accusing them of having an agenda of domination. The problem is that "the Right" says virtually the same thing of "the Left". "You have an agenda". It seems that Moore has a problem with all the administrations since I'm-not-sure-when. Anyway I think I'll run into a dead end there. Let me note a few things I agree with him on and some I don't. You'll notice a lot of these are from one chapter because he had a nice list that gave me a good "agree" - "disagree" set. I've put quotes around, uh, the quotes. And added a few comments of my own.


"The sun is good for you" (pg. 190)

"SUVs are not inherently evil" (pg. 191)
Manufacturers should and can make more fuel efficient internal combustion engines.

"We ("the Left\Liberals") have a namby-pamby way of saying things" (pg.192)

"Animals don't have rights" (same pg. as above)

America is much too dominated by corporate interests (Chapter 7 and throughout the book)

Osama bin Laden isn't\shouldn't be so hard to get (pg. 120)


"Being Republican is suicide" (pg. 201)
I don't think you can vote strictly by party. Look at the person running. Their character etc.

Statistics don't tell everything
He uses a lot of statistics on many subjects. Statistics aren't extremely reliable in all cases. And they're based on what people say not always what they do.

"All roads to ruin lead through him" (Bush)
Don't be ridiculous. I think the nation has seen some much worse times. He hypes\invents the badness of Bush. If Canada looks so good please move there and don't complain about the USA so much.

The Republicans are all about watching out for the wealthy
I don't think this is strictly true. Who was the wealthier candidate in this past election? Republican does not = rich nor does Democrat. There are all kinds of people.

Well, that's certainly not an all inclusive list. But it's an example. If you'd like to visit his it is: Michael Moore.


Blogger J C said...

I am a Republican-much more conservative than George W. I agree with your 'agrees' and 'dis-agrees' as far as what you quoted.

However, having read excerpts of MM's Farenheit 9-11, I would not honor him by reading all of any of his books. What I make of him has me believing he is an evil person. I think a person can lose his effectiveness by being ignored by enough people. I hope that is the case with MM. (not Marilyn Monroe):}

4:44 PM  

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