Vehicle For Dissertation

Books I read, music I hear...My imperious opinion on both.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Heard on FolkAlley - Moe Berg: The Song

Story songs are often quite interesting. I never remember hearing of Moe Berg before hearing this one and if I did I certainly didn't know that he was a spy, baseball player, professor etc. During WWII he worked for the OSS trying to find out if the Germans were getting close to obtaining "the bomb." He later worked for the CIA as well.

From May to mid-December, Berg hopped around Europe interviewing physicists and trying to convince several to leave Europe and work in America. At the beginning of December news about Heisenberg giving a lecture in Zurich, Switzerland reached the OSS, and Berg was assigned the task of attending the lecture and determining "if anything Heisenberg said convinced him the Germans were close to a bomb." If Berg came to the conclusion that the Germans were close, he had orders to shoot Heisenberg; Berg determined that the Germans were not close. (read more about Moe Berg here...)

Chuck Brodsky's album Radio contains the song I heard about Moe Berg. The clips below don't give you much but its a little...

Moe Berg: The Song Clip 1

Moe Berg: The Song Clip 2


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