Vehicle For Dissertation

Books I read, music I hear...My imperious opinion on both.

Monday, February 21, 2005

The Fall of Baghdad - Jon Lee Anderson

This is a very fascinating book on Baghdad before, during, and after the war, or perhaps I should say after the initial war. Probably the most interesting book on the war in Iraq that I've read so far. The other two books I've read on the subject are based on the experiences of an embedded journalist (In the Company of Soldiers) and a hostage (Escape in Iraq). This book, however, is from the vantage point of a journalist who stayed in Baghdad during the war.

The neat thing is the variety of people who the author (Jon Lee Anderson) had contact with throughout the book. They ranged from Sabah, his loyal (usually) driver, to the descendants of the man who killed Col. Leachman in the 20s, to Ala Bashir the artist and favored doctor of Saddam Hussein. In fact the author suspects that he may have seen Saddam in Baghdad and his friends who knew the dictator thought it was quite possible that the man he saw was indeed Saddam.

While I didn't find much new or startling information here, save some history I didn't know, the “picture” it gives of Iraqis and the now dissolved government, is quite insightful.

NPR Interview

Google Search: “The Fall of Baghdad Jon Lee Anderson”


Blogger sandy said...

I was just blogging along and came across your blog. I like your comments on M.M.
I have never read any of his books nor seen his movies. I just may have to check into them.

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just finished reading The Fall of Baghdad. It sure was moving. I think that invasion should not have happened. I feel sad for the people. There are good and bad people everywhere but does it mean we have to bomb and kill the hell out of them?
I feel the US should be ashamed of themselves. Im not against the Forces individually as they are brainwashed into doing what they have been told to do.

2:28 PM  

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